Most Accurate Biofeedback Devices Invented To Date Bodyscan2010 Alternative To Conventional Medicine

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BodyScan 2010


"With Bodyscan2010, and other highly advanced tools, you are provided with the best possible information with which to make better decisions."

Dr. Cohen requires little more than a few minutes to impress even those who enter highly skeptical of any type of health care that does not involve pharmaceutical drugs or surgery, except in the rarest of cases. Combining state-of-the-art technology with only those methods and natural substances proven to be effective, client after client, patient after patient arrive at the offices of this naturopathic doctor with a considerable variety of ailments, and almost uniformly end testimonializing the dramatic results achieved here.

Guiding your approach to naturopathic healing.

This means healing faster, and more efficiently than with the vast variety of synthetic pharmaceuticals, every single one of which has horrid or deadly side effects. Why else do you think you need an M.D.'s signature to get that pharmaceutical? The answer is simple: the M.D. has been trained in the side effects, and it is given to the medical doctor to decide if the damage done by anything categorized as pharmaceutical might be outweighed by the intended benefit of that drug.

Not all of us realize just how much goes wrong because of a particular pharmaceutical. If there were no deaths or other terrible side effects, it would be sold over the counter, wouldn't it? The purpose of the drug is, without medical argument, an intended, calculated gamble. At least thirty percent of the time, the drug DOES accomplish its task.

Logically and analytically, that is a specious, dangerous position to take. Sorry to tell you, but the truth is, not one doctor in ten is willing to see patients unless they support his lavish, generally expensive lifestyle or investment portfolio. There are many hundreds of truly dedicated doctors across America. You and I both know, no matter what we might or might not admit out loud, that they are the rare, rare exceptions.   Without a doubt, money is the number one priority of most American doctors. For further support of this statement, look at your last medical bill, and look at the home your doctor lives in or the car your doctor drives. End of story.

Dr. David Cohen has shunned the pursuit of a medical degree, seeking profesorships in those areas he is most comfortable with: helping people to heal themselves quickly, and naturally, without drugs or surgery. Eliminating pain and regaining the natural state of balance that we call health, how can any of us fail to pay attention to this unique and apparently unprecendented guarantee of satisfaction and results?     How many doctors do you know give hours and hours of free time each month, simply because they really do want the patient to get better?

Using highly advanced tools of technology to further strengthen thirty years of training, research and application, Dr. Cohen treats the Bodyscan as it deserves: a powerfully accurate tool -- literally the most accurate biofeedback device invented thus far -- which can only guide us towards better decisions leading to better health.

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Bodyscan is highly recommended. It works, because it tells precisely how your body reacts to 10,000 substances.
Live longer, live better, with naturopathic treatments.
In terms of time, health, aggravation, and more, naturopathy IS eminently more affordable.

Best of all, it's the healthiest way to live younger.... longer.

Today is the best possible day for you to take control of how long and how well you live.

Naturopathic medicine is that branch of medicine which means NO surgery, NO drugs;
healing the human body with substances and items that occur naturally in our natural environment.

This is the Psychology of Longevity,
brought to you by Dr. David Cohen, America's premiere naturopathic

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