Giving Shortcuts - How To Personally Give Billions of Dollars To Eliminate Starvation w Giving Shortcuts

How to Give Billions of Dollars To Eliminate Starvation

How a 100-dollar bill becomes billions
The enclosed sum is tended to this bank under the following immutable conditions:

1) Neither the principle nor the interest will be touched for two hundred years.

2) Any reasonable and legally acceptable tax avoidance techniques that the bank undertakes to preserve the highest possible value of the account that these enclosed funds engender shall be absorbed by the bank in the interest of promoting and participating in the intent of this document and its successful execution. The bank's fee at the end of the two hundred years is to be one percent of the total at that time.

3) Should the bank be sold or be found insolvent, the bank agrees that the principal and interest will be paid to the nearest legitimate competing bank organization before any other active or dormant account within the bank's care on one day following the date that a decision has been arrived at by competent authority within or without the bank that such a sale, merger, or bank failure will take place or has taken place.

In the event of merger, the funds can remain provided that the chief operating officer of the combined organization warrants and guarantees that the full force of this document, and its clear intent, will be honored first and foremost among all accounts in the care or command of the bank. Should the bank decline to honor the intent of this fund, all accumulated funds will be transferred immediately to the nearest competing bank not owned by the same or affiliated corporation as the currently participating bank.

4) At the end of the two hundred year period, the bank is assigned up to one tenth of one percent of the total accumulated funds to be directed towards identifying the poorest one percent or ten thousand families of the populace within 250 miles of the bank who are living below the poverty line, whichever is greater. Recipients must be willing to state within a period of one year of this fund's first maturation, in writing or aloud to an appointee of the bank, how they intend to enjoy one third of their share and how they will invest the other two thirds for growth. This one tenth of one percent is in addition to the one percent ultimately assigned to the bank for banking fees and administration. Geographically moving the fund for purpose of manipulating ultimate distribution is considered a nullifying breach of this contract.

5) An additional ninety-seven percent of the total account is to be divided equally amongst the poorest two percent or ten thousand families, whichever is greater, that the bank has identified, and who have stated aloud or in writing their plans as stated above.

6) The bank's decisions regarding disbursement of these one-time payments are to be final, binding, and not subject to arbitration, provided that the bank actually releases each portion without restriction, to each individual within that two percent bracket of poverty by the end of one calendar year past the date of this fund's 200th anniversary.

7) The remaining accumulated funds are to be entrusted to the bank to repeat this process unto eternity.

Should any one or more of these conditions be unacceptable to or not honored by this bank, it is directed that the enclosed funds be sent intact with this document, to nearest legitimate banking competitor.

Now that shouldn't be too difficult.       When you double your money 25 times, you hit a billion.
In 200 years, there's a fair chance your hundred dollar bill will double 27 times, and still have a couple of years of phenomenal growth.
Go ahead; alter history with a mere hundred-dollar bill.

That's the fee you're invited to contribute for the 985,000 highly focused minutes invested in creating the Psychology of Masters, the largest personal web site that has ever been created.

Nearly a million minutes.... one at a time, just for you, to bring you the shortcuts and PowerGems of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.

How about saving a life with clicks? Corporate food donations made whether or not you buy anything
                                                                                                                                Wow    -    saving a life with just clicks!

At the bottom of all our pages, there is the Psychology of Masters.
At the end of every life, there is the Psychology of Longevity.
Whether we use them or not is a daily choice - repeated.
Whatever your best decisions, repeat them mightily.
They are the story of your life, a bit at a time.
Great daily decisions, countlessl repeated.
This is one great secret of success.<

BE the Psychology of Masters.
LIVE the Psychology of Longevity.
Drink fresh water every time you wake up,
mixing in at least some drops of lemon, lime, or orange.
This cleanses the liver and dissolves some of the fat you've got.
Live longer and stronger sticking to the simple, proven ways of living well.

Fifty-Eight Shades Of YOU    -     Silently Customize Your Psychology of Masters

If you were offered one thousand dollars in cash for each of your skills, things you do well, which means you enjoy doing it,
how many thousands would you earn, given, for example, a twenty-four time period in which to create a list of your skills?

Like most people, your list shows at least fifty-eight skills, fair enough to say?
Here is where you use the power of mathematics to multiply your fine results.
Your fifty-eight best skills, and any PowerGems of the Psychology of Masters,
affect enough facets of your life that you use these shortcuts with, to help you know:
Every single facet of your life that you touch these shortcuts to becomes a sharper facet.
Use any one of those skills, today, and find something in it that you are not doing perfectly.
As long as you are able to improve by one percent, the Psychology of Masters works for you.
Build on it, and let's see what's what in, oh, let's say the next one hundred days. Is that agreeable?
World-class mastery does not require the mind of a rocket scientist, because hunger trumps everything else.
If you only find fifty-eight superlative shortcuts at the Psychology of Masters, is that not enough shortcuts for you?
The point is that the Psychology of Masters is already inside of you, in the guise of your child persona, if you understand.
Think of Transactional Analysis, capitalized in respect, where we only think and speak as children, parents, or adults, at all times.
There will always be a child alive within you, the parts that did not develop fully with the rest of your personality and experience.
The Psychology of Masters assures you that you will be stunned if you were to teach yourself to spend time with that child.
How is it that everyone has an opinion even with nearly zero knowledge, zero personal experience under the opinion?
Tony Robbins shared the idea that opinions are like table tops, requiring the legs of experience to make them stand.
Too many of your table tops are all top and no legs. The Psychology of Masters is a way to modify this greatly.
The more you embrace your Psychology of Masters, the more your Psychology of Masters embraces you.
One way that the Psychology of Masters proves your creative intelligence is with pen and a paper clip.
Please write down, within the next 100 hours, 100 uses of a paper clip. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty.
Your brain is a muscle that gets far too little exercise. Like any other muscle, exercise makes it stronger.
As of now, no more excuses for not knowing how to exercise your brain with intent of making it stronger.
With only one idea per hour, you should either breeze past 100 ideas, or list 100 uses long before 100 hours.
At the core of the Psychology of Masters is the aim of awakening your own internal Psychology of Masters.
There is Shapetalk inside of you, as surely as there is a Psychology of Masters (mostly sleeping) inside of you.
If you are smart enough to use recipes to cook tasty dishes, if you are smart enough to plan a wedding in writing,
then the Psychology of Masters needs to know why you think that planning your life in writing is less potent for you.
Fifty-eight shades of you, one hundred shades of you, there is Shapetalk, poetry, shortcuts, action and excellence in you.

With life moving past you at 1,440 minutes, EVERY DAY,
When do we wake up YOUR inner giant?

The ease and simplicity of the Psychology of Masters, and most PowerGems,
will work in your favor every day that you work these shortcuts in your favor.

You are invited to prove you are smarter than many might thing with a Psychology of Masters secret trick.
The single set of exercises involved with writing out 100 uses for a paper clip increases your intelligence.
The exercises involved with writing out 100 uses for a paper clip increases your creative intelligence,
your PROBLEM-SOLVING skills. The capabilities are already within you, awaiting your command.
Since capability exists, it is repeated exercise of the skill that makes you smarter and smarter.
For example, let us pretend that you are smart enough to do this weekly, for a month or so.
By the time you've found 100 uses for five different items, or even the paper clip, if you wish,
your brain will be so much better at problem-solving, at producing innovative, creative solutions,
you will wonder why the Psychology of Masters is not taught to every schoolchild across the world.
Go ahead and dare to get smarter, on purpose! Since it costs you no more than otherwise wasted time...
For the Psychology of Masters to succeed, you need to succeed at it, so, speak a bit less and do a bit more.
What you know, including what you only think you know, plays second fiddle to what you do with what you know.

Is there something about increasing your intelligence,
repeatedly increasing your creative intelligence,
that is less than something desirable to you?
Wake up! No one else is doing it for you.
"If it is to be, then it is up to me"

Pen and paper, please...

              ... and a paper clip

MisterShortcut is tickled to share with you... universal shortcuts for total winning.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.

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Shapetalk and Shortcuts, mostly from the Psychology of Masters, and to a lesser degree, the Psychology of Longevity,
are intended to achieve more than merely impressing you, pleasing you, engaging you to fill in all the colors of a page,
reaching instead to have you look inside the Shapetalk to find the shortcuts, what you will find to be great shortcuts.

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Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts,
for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids.
Health, of course, is true wealth,
its theft so often done in stealth.
When you have one, you get the other,
and without it is worse than having no mother.

Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see,
both the Psychology of Masters and Psychology of Longevity.


Use enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.

This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Psychology of Masters.

Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Psychology of Masters, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Psychology of Masters and Psychology of Longevity.



Shapetalk PowerGems
Psychology of Masters Poem
PowerGems and Shapetalk, all in a row,
PowerGems and Shapetalk, putting on a show.
The best of all your PowerGems, wisdom that works,
is where the Shapetalk guides us, to EyeCandy perqs.
The best of PowerGems, and the best of cute Shapetalk,
are all equally designed to help you best walk YOUR walk.
The PowerGems inside of you, the Shapetalk you've not uttered,
may be the most potent reasons, your performance is in the gutter.
It's not that you are stupid, we hope, for look how well you usually cope,
if PowerGems are a lifeline rope, together we can prove that you are no dope.
The less you speak as the more you do, the more we will know your claims are true.
Psychology of Masters PowerGems are the shortcuts of masters, millionaires... and you.
Engage your PowerGems,
in Shapetalk EyeCandy style,
better inform your use of time,
more wisely pass your own while.
Petty chatter is no less than a theft,
of your truly most precious possessions,
what remains of your millions of seconds.
PowerGem & Shapetalk your way to success.
Too much dirt in chatter, precluding PowerGems.
When you clean your minutes, they produce wealth.
Realize just how much power now resides within you.
Even the tiniest use of your many great powers, repeated,
produces results greater than all around you, even combined.
If I ask ten people 10x each, while you ask a thousand, you win.
Asking more people more times each is your wealthiest PowerGem.
There is no known wealth shortcut more potent, or faster, than asking.
If you need to give ten reasons, if you have to ask ten times, ask away.
90% of all the yesses you hear from birth to death are after the 7th "ask."
Praise and agree with objections, then convert them into your resolutions.
Aid your Psychology of Masters, so your Psychology of Masters aids you.

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